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Pavilions Design for Displaying The Arts of Four Different Artists —

Pavilions For Artists

This project consist of four sub-projects, each sub-projects presents an art pavilion for exhibiting specific artwork by different artists. The pavilion design displays the artwork well so the visitors can enjoy the artwork. In other words, the design of the pavilions helps to create a better exhibition effect, and at the same time is independent of the art work so it won't confuse the audience.

Because each artist has unique characteristic, here complemented the work being exhibited. James Turrell's "Light Reignfall" requires viewers to enter a metal metal sphere to view a light show. Nuno Ramos' "The Global of Death" is a show in a steel frame box. Pipilotti Rist's "Under The Sky" is a projection artwork with organic shapes. Richard Serra's "Junction" is made of large scale twisted steel sheets that people can walk around between them.

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